Conferences & Congress

1. Abhari, S., McMurray, J., Randhawa, T., Bin Noon, G., Hanjahanja-Phiri, T., McNeil, H., Manning, F., Debergue, P., Teague, J., & Morita, P. P. (2024). Exploring the Landscape of Standards and Guidelines in AgeTech Design and Development. 17th European Public Health Conference 2024. Lisbon, Portugal, 12-15 November 2024 (Under review).

2. Abhari, S., Fatahi, S., Saragadam, A., Chumachenko, D., & Morita, P. P. (2024). A Road Map of Prompt Engineering for ChatGPT in Healthcare: A Perspective Study. 17th European Public Health Conference 2024. Lisbon, Portugal, 12-15 November 2024. (Under review).

3. Abhari, S., Bin Noon, G., Wang, K., & Morita, P. P. (2024). Overview of the potential applications of generative AI in AgeTech for older adults in future. 17th European Public Health Conference 2024. Lisbon, Portugal, 12-15 November 2024. (Under review).

4. Abhari, S., McMurray, J., Randhawa, T., Bin Noon, G., Hanjahanja-Phiri, T., McNeil, H., Manning, F., Debergue, P., Teague, J., & Morita, P. P. (2024). Exploring the Landscape of Standards and Guidelines in AgeTech Design and Development. 34th Medical Informatics Europe Conference. Athens, Greece, 25 to 29 August 2024. (Accepted for oral presenation).

5. Abhari, S., Fatahi, S., Saragadam, A., Chumachenko, D., & Morita, P. P. (2024). A Road Map of Prompt Engineering for ChatGPT in Healthcare: A Perspective Study. 34th Medical Informatics Europe Conference. Athens, Greece, 25 to 29 August 2024 (Accepted for oral presenation).

6. Abhari, S., Morita, P., & Kaur, J. (2024). Enhancing Health Policy-Making Through ChatGPT: Opportunities and Threats. Paper presented at Data for Policy 2024, London, July 9-11, 2024. (Accepted for oral presenation).

7. Miranda, P., Kaur, J., Abhari, S., & Morita, P. P. (2023). ChatGPT for Systematic and Scoping Reviews in Public Health Research: An Applicable Approach. 16th European Public Health Conference. 8-11 November 2023. Dublin, Ireland.

8. Abhari, SH., Safdari, R., Azadbakht, L., Lankarani, K. B., Kalhori, S. R. N. Designing and evaluating a nutrition recommender system for improving food security in a developing country. International Congress of Artificial Intelligence in Medical Sciences. 17-19 May 2023. Kish, Iran

9. Abhari, SH; Aslani, N; Garavand, A. Entrepreneurial opportunities in health of elderly through mobile health. 4th Shiraz International Congress on Mobile Health. 16nd to 18rd February 2021. Shiraz, Iran

10. Samadbeik, M; Abtin, A; Garavand, A; Aslani, N; Abhari, SH. Evaluation and Ranking of Mobile Applications Drug Adherence Quality in Iran: A Systematized Review. 4th Shiraz International Congress on Mobile Health. 16nd to 18rd February 2021. Shiraz, Iran

11. Abajlou, AH; Aslani, N; Abhari, SH; Garavand, A. Providing healthcare services for patients with chronic diseases during the outbreak of COVID-19 by applying smart phones: A review of conducted studies. 4th Shiraz International Congress on Mobile Health. 16nd to 18rd February 2021. Shiraz, Iran

12. Abhari, S., Safdari, R., Azadbakht, L., Lankarani, K. B., Kalhori, S. R. N., Honarvar, B.(2019). Can Text Messaging and Mobile Phone Apps Improve Adherence to Healthy Diet in Adults. Shiraz Third International Congress on mHealth 20nd to 21rd February 2019. Shiraz, Iran

13. Abhari, S., Lankarani, K. B., Safdari, R., Azadbakht, L., Lankarani, K. B., Kalhori, S. R. N., Honarvar, B.(2019). How mHealth can help dietary assessment. Shiraz Third International Congress on mHealth 20nd to 21rd February 2019. Shiraz, Iran

14. Safdari, R., Karbasi, Z., Zahmatkeshan, M., Abhari, S. Assessment of mobile applications for cardiovascular disease : A review of feasibility,usability and accessibility. Shiraz Third International Congress on mHealth 20nd to 21rd February 2019. Shiraz, Iran

15. Abhari, SH; Niakan Kalhori, SR. (2017). Mobile Applications for Smoking Cessation : A Systematic Review. Shiraz Second International Congress on mHealth. 22nd to 23rd February 2017. Shiraz, Iran

16. Abhari, SH; Monem, H; Bastani, P; Rezaee, R. (2017). Designing a thesis tele-supervision system for postgraduate medical sciences students. Fisrt Congress of Diseases and Health Outcomes Registry and Congress of Medical Informatics. 13nd to 17rd February 2017. Mashhad, Iran

17. Karbasi, Z; Abhari, SH, Hajesmaeel, GS; Niakan Kalhori, SR. (2017). Effectiveness of virtual reality technology application in medical education: a review of evidences. Fisrt Congress of Diseases and Health Outcomes Registry and Congress of Medical Informatics. 13nd to 17rd February 2017. Mashhad, Iran

18. Abhari, SH; Sharifian, R.(2015). The Need for Integration of the International Classification of Health Interventions (ICHI) with Radiology Information System (RIS) in order to Support Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery Process.The 6th Iranian Imaging Informatics Conference. 5th and 7th August 2015.Tehran, Iran

19. Abhari, SH; Sharifian, R; Saeedinejhad, S. (2015). m-Health and telemedicine soft ware in Shiraz University of Medical Sciences. Shiraz First International Congress on mHealth. 17th and 18th May 2015. Shiraz, Iran

20. Abhari, SH. (2015). Opportunities and Challenges of Using Smartphone Medical Applications for Healthcare Providers. Shiraz First International Congress on mHealth. 17th and 18th May 2015. Shiraz, Iran

21. Abhari, SH; Sharifian, R; Nematollahi, M; Emadi, S.(2014). Evaluation of the Key Features of Radiology Information System (RIS) in Nemazee and Shahid Faghihi Hospitals. The 5th Iranian Imaging Informatics Conference. 17th and 18th January 2014. Shiraz, Iran

22. Nematollahi, M; Abhari, SH. (2013). Assessing the information and communication technology infrastructures of Shiraz university of medical sciences in order to implement the telemedicine system. First International Congress of Electronic Learning in Medical Sciences. 23th and 24th October 2013. Shiraz, Iran

23. Bayati, S; Haghshenas, M; Esmaeeli, T; Abhari, SH. (2011). Study of Iran's situation in attracting medical tourism compared to Persian Gulf countries. First International Congress on Tourism Management and Sustainable Development. 29th and 30th September 2011